Podjetje GP PROJECT ING je v času od svojega nastanka v 2001 postalo eno izmed vodilnih gradbenih podjetij na širšem regijskem območju.
GP PROJECT ING podjetje za gradbeništvo in inženiring d.o.o.
Vošnjakova ulica 6, 2250 Ptuj
PE Markovci
Nova vas pri Markovcih 105, 2281 Markovci
Davčna št.: SI52233278
Matična št.: 1586998
Poslovni računi:
SI56 0215 0009 0058 867 (NLB)
SI56 0318 2100 0242 040 (SKB)
SI56 1010 0004 6350 863 (Banka Intesa Sanpaolo)
Generating power is considered as creating the life force for a industry and That is what we do the best. And the best news is we just upgraded our power generation system to whole new level in one of our recent projects.
Generating power is considered as creating the life force for a industry and That is what we do the best. And the best news is we just upgraded our power generation system to whole new level in one of our recent projects.
Generating power is considered as creating the life force for a industry and That is what we do the best. And the best news is we just upgraded our power generation system to whole new level in one of our recent projects.